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Category : Exports Products

Laptadania raficulata                   500mg
Tibulus terrestries                         250mg
Quercus infectoria                         300mg
Hedychium Spicatum                   250mg
Asparagus Resomosus                450 mg
Saraca Indica                                450 mg
Woodfordia floribunda                 150 mg
Tinospora cordifolia                     450 mg
Boerhavia Diffusa                        250 mg
Ricinus Communis                      100 mg
Terminalia chebula                      200 mg
Terminalia belerica                      200 mg
Phylanthu emblica                      100 mg
Santulum album                         200 mg
Piper longue                               50 mg
Aloe barbadensis                        80 mg


Use ·

• It is Strong Ayurvedic uterine tonic & Ecobolic

• It Helps to expel retained placenta

• It regulate lochial discharge

• It reduce uterine pain & inflammation

• It Prevent loss of milk due to uterine infection

• It help to regulate involution of uterus

• It use as uterine anti-septic & anti bacterial



•Big Animal –100 ml twice on first day followed by 50 ml twice in a day for next 3 to 5 days

•Small Animal – 40  ml orally twice on first day followed by 20 ml twice in a day for next 3 to 5 days

Available In

500ml, 1litre, 5litre