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APT Bolus

Category : Exports Products

Each Bolus Contains

Dextrose                                  200 mg
Copper sulphate                     1.92 mg
Cobalt sulphate                       3.84 mg
Ginger Powder                        200 mg
Live yeast culture                    2000 mg
Lactic acid bacillus                  60 million CFU
Liver extract                            10 mg
Fungal diastase                      60 mg
DL -Methionine                       100 mg
L- lysine                                  100 mg
Excipients                               Q.S.

For High Yielding cattle –
Large animals: 2-4 bolus daily.
Small animals: 1-2 bolus daily   
As directed by the Veterinarian.



 Improves Digestion
 To improve digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, heartburn, and nausea.
 Improve by metabolic activities;
 Improves macro-nutrient metabolites in animals
 Lowers the serum cholesterol
 Decreases the ammonia gas production
 Stabilizes the rumen pH & rumen micro flora Digestibility of dietary components and intestinal enzymes.
 Increase Hunger
 Animals bring back animal on feed.
 Better Growth
 Helps to improve the metabolic activity in animal body.
 Increase The Milk
 Increases efficiency of milk yield and nutrient digestibilities for early lactation and without causing stress to the animals.
 Improve male infertility and impotence

Available In

4 bolus * 1strip