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Toxin Binder

Category : Poultry Product

Composition per 100ml
Yeast extract                              30mg
Citric acid                                   800mg
Phosphoric acid                         650 mg
Motic acid                                  100 mg
Tartaric acid                               150 mg
Disodium EDTA                         150 mg
Propylene Glycol                       10 gm
Aspartic acid                              20 mg
Sodium Potassium tartrate        10 mg
Sodium citrate                           10 mg
Thiamine mononitrate               30 mg
Riboflavin                                  30 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride          200 mg
Copper pentasulphate              1 gm
Saccharomyces cerevisiae       2 gm
Distilled water                           to 100ml


Confiscating mycotoxicosis in poultry.
Reduction of early morbidity & mortality in poultry.
Water soluble & easy to use in drinking water.
Improves immunity & response to vaccination.
Biotransormation of toxins by the action of fermation

Certain ingredients of Toxin Binder liquid attack the 
problem Mycotozicosis. Yeast extract brakes up 
particular functional group of Mycotoxins obtaining 
non-toxic & harmless metabolites, then eliminated 
via faces.

Toxin Binder liquid is indicated against infection with
Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium & Mycotoxicosis,
Aflatoxicosis etc.

Poultry : 1ml / 2-4 liter of drinking water for 3-4 days.
Or as directed by the Registered Veterinary Doctor.