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Growmix DB

Category : Poultry Product

Methionine Activity               130.30 gm
Choline Chloride                  63.125 gm
Lysine Hydrochloride           63.125 gm
Sodium                               485.00 mg
Phosphorus                        158.40 mg
Magnesium                         615.14 mg
Zinc                                     219.70 mg
Ferrous(Iron)                      232.42 mg
Copper                               163.25 mg
Cobalt                                 212.95 mg
Manganese                        395.12 mg

To improve growth and body weight.
To improve egg production.
To improve quality of eggs.
To avoid mis-shapen eggs during peak lay and early lay.
To make up mineral deficiency.
To make up the requirement of amino acids.
To overcome leg weakness.
To overcome stress including heat stress.

Usage in Drinking Water
Layers: 10-20 ml/ 100 birds /day
Broilers: 5-10ml / 100 birds/ day