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Nutri H

Category : Cattle Product


VITAMIN A               120000 IU

VITAMIN D3              60000 IU

VITAMIN E                15 mg

VITAMIN H                5 mg

VITAMIN C                10 mg

ZINC                         180 mg

COBALT                   1 mg

SELENIUM               1 mg

(Preservative, coloring agent, antioxidant, viscosity agent,surfactant, PH regulator, Sweetening agent, )



 •For weight gain and faster growth of poultry & cattle.

•For growth of udder cell.

•Improve fertility & milk production of cattle.

•.Maintains overall health in pregnancy

•Helpful for hatchability, fertility & egg production in poultry 

•Should be given for immunity building & fighting for disease in poultry & cattle.

•It should be given during any kind of stress in livestock



•Cattle: 20-30 ml. Daily ,  Claves: 5 ml. Daily
•Sheep and Goats: 5 ml. Daily
•Chicks: 5ml/100 birds Daily
•Growers: 7ml/100 birds daily
•Layers: 10ml/100 birds daily