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Hepa Boost

Category : Exports Products

Uses : E Protect liver from toxins & contaminations. E Promote the growth of new liver tissue & cells. Er Improve feed metabolism & its utilization. Enhance growth, weight gain, FCR & livability. E Corrects non specific anorexia.  Direction for use : Poultry : (Per 100 Birds)  Chicks 5 ml per day Growers 10 ml per day Layers / Broilers 20 ml per day  Live Stock  Cattle, Buffaloes, Horses & Camels 50 ml twice daily Calves 20-25 ml twice daily Sheep & Goats 15-20 ml twice daily  This product is free from Chloramphenicol, Nitrofuran, Antibiotics & Melamine  ANIMAL FEED SUPPLEMENTS NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE  NOT FOR HUMAN USE FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY